201806 Club Magazine - June 2018
June 2018 Edition
You may have noticed that the content of our Club magazine alters through the year, with pages of event advertisements in the February and April issues and then reports on many of those events in August and October. This June issue, however, has an element of both the advertisements and reports. With National Alfa Day still to take place on 1st July, we can read about the sunny success of Spring Alfa Day, with over 600 cars, that took place on 22nd April. We also have reports on the Geneva International Motor Show; the events that the Modified Register has taken part in and the Alfas racing in too many Race Series to list here!
On the front cover, the launch picture from 2008 reminds us that the MiTo is ten years old this month and David Faithful, the Club’s MiTo Registrar, has organised a special event to celebrate this little car’s birthday. He’s also written of his experience of the two he currently owns – a MiTo QV and a new MiTo Veloce. The Brera is ten years old this year too and Stephen Evans took his to Autolusso in search of extra horse power. Bernard Lien Lambert recently shipped his Spider in from California to Southampton and gives an insight into the way to do it. Elizabeth Sewell took her Spider ‘back home’ on a three week trip and Tony Bagnall ran his 2600 Sprint in the Circuit des Ardennes last year. Chris Cousins has been working on two 75s at the same time, which has made life a bit difficult and Jamie has taken the 3 litre V6 24 valve engine from a 164 and used it in a Stratos – a fairly straightforward job apparently!
Neil Branham has answered the AROC Lives questions and our regulars, Jon Dooley, Peter Collins, John Williams, along with the Section Secretaries and Model Registrars, bring us up to date in this, another packed magazine.